Swift Generics: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Flexible Code

ElAmir Mansour
8 min readFeb 1, 2024


Swift Generics are a powerful feature that allows developers to write flexible and reusable code. At its core, the concept of generics revolves around the idea of creating functions and data types that can work with a variety of data types, providing a higher level of abstraction and eliminating the need for code duplication.

Why Generics Matter:

Consider a scenario where you need to write a function to swap the values of two variables. Without generics, you might end up writing a separate function for each data type you want to support (e.g., swapping integers, swapping strings, etc.). This approach is not only tedious but also clutters your codebase.

Enter Swift Generics:

With Swift Generics, you can create a single function that works with any data type, providing a concise and efficient solution. Let’s take a closer look at a simple example:

func swapValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
let temp = a
a = b
b = temp

Breaking Down the Code:

  • swapValues<T> declares a generic function named swapValues with a type parameter T.
  • inout keyword indicates that the parameters a and b will be modified inside the function.
  • Inside the function, a temporary variable temp is used to swap the values.

Deep Explanation:

  • The <T> after the function name signifies that swapValues is a generic function, and T is a placeholder for a type.
  • The function can be called with different data types, and Swift infers the actual type during the function call.
  • Example usage:
var x = 5
var y = 10
swapValues(&x, &y) // The compiler infers T as Int in this case

Understanding the Basics:

Now that we’ve touched on the why and seen a glimpse of how generics work, let’s delve into the fundamental concepts.

What are Swift Generics?

Generics allow you to write functions, classes, and structures that can work with any type. Instead of specifying the type of data a function or structure can work with, you use placeholders, usually denoted by a single uppercase letter like T.

Why Use Generics?

Generics enhance code flexibility and reusability. They enable you to write functions or structures that adapt to various data types without sacrificing type safety.

Generic Functions:

Let’s revisit the swapValues function:

func swapValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
let temp = a
a = b
b = temp
  • The <T> syntax declares a type parameter. It says, "This function can work with any type, and we'll use T to represent that type."
  • The inout keyword before parameters indicates that the values of a and b can be modified inside the function.
  • The temporary variable temp is used to swap values, a common pattern in generic functions.

Understanding the Placeholder T:

T is just a placeholder; it doesn't represent a specific type until the function is called.

Example usage:

var x = 5
var y = 10
swapValues(&x, &y) // The compiler infers T as Int in this case

Benefits of Generic Functions:

  • Reusability: Write one function that works with any type.
  • Readability: Code becomes more concise and easier to understand.
  • Type Safety: Swift ensures that types match during compilation.

Understanding these basics lays the foundation for exploring more complex use cases of generics in the subsequent sections. It empowers developers to write code that’s adaptable to a diverse range of scenarios.

Generic Types in Action:

Now that we understand the basics of generic functions, let’s explore how generics can be applied to types, such as structures and classes.

What Are Generic Types?

In Swift, you can create your own generic types using structs, classes, or enums. These types can work with any data type, providing a versatile and reusable solution.

Example: Generic Stack

struct Stack<Element> {
var items = [Element]()

mutating func push(_ item: Element) {

mutating func pop() -> Element? {
return items.popLast()

Breaking Down the Code:

  • struct Stack<Element> declares a generic struct named Stack with a placeholder type Element.
  • The push method adds an item to the stack, and pop removes and returns the last item.
  • The type parameter Element is used throughout the struct, making it adaptable to different data types.

Usage of Generic Stack:

var numberStack = Stack<Int>()
let poppedNumber = numberStack.pop() // poppedNumber is an Optional<Int>

Deep Explanation:

  • The generic type Stack can be instantiated with any type. In the example, it's used for an Int stack, but you can have Stack<String>, Stack<Double>, etc.
  • The power of generics shines as you reuse the same stack structure for various data types, eliminating redundancy in your code.

Type Constraints for Safety:

While generics provide flexibility, sometimes you need to ensure that the types used in generic functions or types meet certain criteria. This is where type constraints come into play.

Type Constraints Explained:

Type constraints allow you to define rules about the types that can be used with a generic. For instance, you might want a generic function to work only with types that conform to a specific protocol or inherit from a particular class.

Example: Finding the Index of an Equatable Element

func findIndex<T: Equatable>(of valueToFind: T, in array: [T]) -> Int? {
for (index, value) in array.enumerated() {
if value == valueToFind {
return index
return nil

Breaking Down the Code:

  • func findIndex<T: Equatable> declares a generic function named findIndex with a type parameter T that must conform to the Equatable protocol.
  • The function searches for an element in an array and returns its index if found.

Usage of findIndex:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let index = findIndex(of: 3, in: numbers) // index is an Optional<Int>

Deep Explanation:

  • The <T: Equatable> syntax imposes a constraint that the generic type T must conform to the Equatable protocol.
  • This constraint ensures that the == operator is valid for values of type T, making it safe to compare elements in the array.

Benefits of Type Constraints:

  • Type Safety: Constraints restrict the generic to types that meet specific requirements, preventing misuse.
  • Code Expressiveness: Clearly communicate the expectations for the generic type.
  • Avoid Bugs: Ensure that operations like equality are well-defined for the types involved.

Understanding type constraints is crucial for writing generic code that is not only flexible but also safe. In scenarios where specific behavior is expected, constraints help enforce those expectations, contributing to the overall reliability of the code.

Associated Types in Protocols:

In addition to generic functions and types, Swift introduces the concept of associated types in protocols. Associated types provide a way to define placeholders for types that conform to the protocol, allowing for even more flexibility and customization.

What Are Associated Types?

Associated types in protocols enable you to declare a placeholder type that must be specified by any conforming type. This is particularly useful when the protocol has methods or properties whose return or parameter types are not known in advance.

Example: Container Protocol with an Associated Type

protocol Container {
associatedtype Item
mutating func addItem(_ item: Item)
func getItem(at index: Int) -> Item

Breaking Down the Code:

  • protocol Container declares a protocol with an associated type named Item.
  • addItem is a mutating method that adds an item of the associated type to the container.
  • getItem is a method that retrieves an item from the container at a specified index.

Conforming to the Container Protocol:

struct Stack<T>: Container {
var items = [T]()

mutating func addItem(_ item: T) {

func getItem(at index: Int) -> T {
return items[index]

Deep Explanation:

  • The associatedtype Item introduces an associated type requirement. Any type conforming to Container must provide a specific type for Item.
  • In the conforming type Stack, Item is replaced with the actual type parameter T.
  • This allows the Stack to be generic while still conforming to the Container protocol.

Benefits of Associated Types:

  • Customization: Conforming types can define the associated type based on their specific needs.
  • Protocol Abstraction: Protocols can be more versatile by allowing conforming types to determine associated types.
  • Code Extensibility: Easily extend the protocol without modifying existing conforming types.

Understanding associated types adds another layer of flexibility to your code, especially when designing protocols that need to adapt to a wide range of scenarios without specifying concrete types. This feature is particularly powerful when combined with generics.

Practical Application:

Now that we’ve explored the key concepts of Swift generics, let’s put our knowledge into practice with a real-world example. Consider a scenario where you’re building a generic networking layer for fetching data from a remote server.

Example: Generic Networking Layer

import Foundation

enum NetworkError: Error {
case invalidURL
case requestFailed(Error)
// Add more cases as needed

struct NetworkManager<T: Codable> {
func fetchData(from url: String, completion: @escaping (Result<T, NetworkError>) -> Void) {
guard let url = URL(string: url) else {

URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, _, error in
if let error = error {

if let data = data, let decodedData = try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data) {
} else {

Breaking Down the Code:

  • The NetworkManager is a generic struct that can fetch and decode data of any type conforming to Codable.
  • The fetchData method takes a URL and a completion handler that returns a Result type with either the decoded data or an error.

Usage of the Generic Networking Layer:

struct Post: Codable {
let userId: Int
let id: Int
let title: String
let body: String

let networkManager = NetworkManager<Post>()
networkManager.fetchData(from: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let post):
print("Fetched Post: \(post.title)")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error: \(error)")

Deep Explanation:

  • The generic type T is constrained to Codable, ensuring that only types that can be encoded and decoded can be used with this networking layer.
  • The completion handler returns a Result type, providing a clean and explicit way to handle success and failure.

Benefits in Practice:

  • Reusability: The same networking layer can be used for different data models.
  • Type Safety: The compiler ensures that only Codable types are used with the networking layer.
  • Error Handling: The Result type simplifies error handling and provides clear feedback.

This practical example showcases how generics can significantly enhance the flexibility and usability of a common scenario in app development. It allows developers to build a single networking layer that adapts to the data models used throughout their application.

In this exploration of Swift generics, we’ve covered the fundamentals, delving into generic functions, generic types, type constraints, and associated types in protocols. We also put our knowledge into practice with a real-world example, highlighting the power and versatility that generics bring to Swift development.

  • Flexibility with Generics: Enable versatile and reusable code for any data type.
  • Generic Types Simplify Code: Create adaptable components for different data types.
  • Type Constraints for Safety: Ensure secure and proper usage of generics with specific type criteria.
  • Associated Types in Protocols: Utilize associated types for abstract and customizable protocols.
  • Practical Application: Demonstrate real-world use cases, such as a generic networking layer.

If you found this blog helpful or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on social media:

I look forward to connecting with you and exploring more about Enums in Swift together! Thanks for reading.



ElAmir Mansour
ElAmir Mansour

Written by ElAmir Mansour

🚀 Software Engineer & iOS Developer | Scrum Master 🕹 | Crafting Code & Content | Coffee enthusiast ☕️ | Simplifying Complexity, One Line at a Time 💻

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