Mastering the macOS Command Line: Part 8— Advanced Techniques

ElAmir Mansour
5 min readMay 12, 2024


In the realm of macOS power users, the Terminal is a sacred space where commands reign supreme and efficiency is paramount. Among the many shells available, Zsh stands out as a versatile and feature-rich option, capable of supercharging your command-line experience.

In this blog, we delve into advanced techniques for harnessing the full potential of Zsh within the macOS Terminal. From productivity-enhancing shortcuts to customization tricks, we’ll explore how to elevate your command-line prowess to new heights.

Throughout this journey, we’ll focus on three fundamental pillars of command-line mastery: piping, redirecting data, and using grep.

1. Piping: Piping is a powerful concept in Unix-based systems like macOS, allowing you to chain multiple commands together, with the output of one command serving as the input for the next. This enables you to perform complex operations by combining simple commands.

2. Redirecting Data: Redirecting data allows you to control where the input and output of commands go, enabling you to manipulate files and streams efficiently.

3. Grep: Grep is a versatile command-line utility for searching through text using regular expressions. It’s particularly useful for filtering and extracting information from files or command output.


Piping is a fundamental concept in Unix-based systems like macOS, enabling the seamless transfer of data between commands. With piping, you can take the output of one command and feed it directly into another command as input. This allows you to create powerful chains of commands, where the output of each command becomes the input for the next, enabling complex operations to be performed with ease.


At its core, piping enables you to connect the output of one command to the input of another. The pipe symbol | facilitates this connection. When you use the pipe symbol between two commands, the output of the first command is passed as input to the second command. This allows you to perform sequential operations without the need to save intermediate results to files.


Suppose you have a directory containing various text files, and you want to count the number of lines across all those files. You can achieve this using piping in Zsh with the following commands:

cat *.txt | wc -l


  • cat *.txt: The cat command concatenates the contents of all text files (*.txt) in the current directory and outputs them to the standard output.
  • |: The pipe symbol takes the output of cat and passes it as input to the wc command.
  • wc -l: The wc command, with the -l option, counts the number of lines in the input it receives, which in this case, is the concatenated content of all text files.


Running the above command in your Terminal will output the total number of lines across all text files in the current directory.


Piping is a powerful feature in Zsh that allows you to streamline your command-line workflows by chaining together simple commands. By mastering piping, you can perform complex data manipulations and analysis with ease, unlocking the full potential of the macOS Terminal.

Redirecting Data:

Redirecting data allows you to control where the input and output of commands go, enabling you to manipulate files and streams efficiently.


In the Unix philosophy, everything is a file. This includes not only regular files but also devices, directories, and even input/output streams. Redirecting data allows you to manipulate these streams and files to perform various tasks.

Types of Redirection:

Standard Output (STDOUT) Redirection (>): Redirects the standard output of a command to a file, overwriting its contents if the file already exists.

  • Example:
echo "Hello, World!" > greeting.txt

This command will create a file named greeting.txt containing the text "Hello, World!".

  • Appending Output (>>): Appends the standard output of a command to a file, preserving its existing contents.
  • Example:
echo "Goodbye, World!" >> greeting.txt

This command will append the text “Goodbye, World!” to the end of the greeting.txt file.

  • Standard Input (STDIN) Redirection (<): Redirects the standard input of a command to come from a file instead of the keyboard.
  • Example:
wc -w < words.txt

This command will count the number of words in the words.txt file.


Suppose you have a list of numbers stored in a file named numbers.txt, and you want to find the sum of those numbers. You can achieve this using redirection in Zsh with the following commands:

cat numbers.txt | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' > sum.txt


  • cat numbers.txt: Reads the contents of the numbers.txt file.
  • |: The pipe symbol passes the output of cat to the awk command.
  • awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}': Computes the sum of the numbers using AWK.
  • > sum.txt: Redirects the output of the awk command (the sum) to a file named sum.txt.


Running the above command in your Terminal will calculate the sum of the numbers in numbers.txt and save the result in sum.txt.


grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression. It's an incredibly powerful tool for filtering and extracting information from files or command output.


The name “grep” stands for “global regular expression print.” It searches for patterns within text files or output streams and prints lines that match those patterns.


Suppose you have a directory containing several text files, and you want to find all occurrences of the word “apple” within those files. You can accomplish this using grep in Zsh with the following command:

grep "apple" *.txt


  • grep "apple" *.txt: This command searches for the word "apple" within all text files (*.txt) in the current directory. It outputs the lines containing "apple" to the Terminal.


Running the above command in your Terminal will display all lines from the text files in the current directory that contain the word “apple”.

Throughout this journey, we focused on three fundamental pillars of command-line mastery: piping, redirecting data, and using grep.

Piping: Piping is a fundamental concept in Unix-based systems like macOS, enabling the seamless transfer of data between commands. By chaining commands together, you can perform complex operations with ease, streamlining your workflow and unlocking new possibilities.

Redirecting Data: Redirecting data empowers you to control the flow of input and output in your command-line tasks. Whether you’re redirecting output to a file or changing input sources, mastering redirection techniques enhances your ability to manipulate files and streams efficiently.

Grep: Grep is a powerful tool for searching and filtering text data, allowing you to find patterns within files or command output. By leveraging its pattern-matching capabilities, you can extract valuable information and streamline data analysis tasks.

By mastering these advanced techniques in Zsh, you can elevate your command-line skills and become more efficient and effective in your macOS Terminal usage. Experiment with these concepts, combine them creatively, and watch as your command-line prowess grows.

This was the last part hope you had fun .

If you found this blog helpful or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on social media:



ElAmir Mansour

🚀 Software Engineer & iOS Developer | Scrum Master 🕹 | Crafting Code & Content | Coffee enthusiast ☕️ | Simplifying Complexity, One Line at a Time 💻